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Lock Ness Monster Discovered In Apple Maps


A number of Loch Ness Monster believers have released images they say proves that the mythical creature exists, posting images online from Apple maps. 

For decades the beast has been rumoured to exist but there has been no actual scientific proof that it exists, until now according to satellite images.

The creature has been spotted by many over the years in Scotland’s Loch Ness but this time enthusiasts believe the images may actually be real. 


The images were discovered six months ago by the Official Loch Ness Monster Fan Club. The club then sent the images to the Scottish Canals, a government body that controls and evaluates Scotland’s inland lakes and rivers.  The agency failed to identify the image captured.  In the low resolution images, one can clearly see a large flippers and a white silhouette. 

Gary Campbell, the president of the club at first thought the image was a boat that had been wrecked but after investigations were conducted the group found no boat near the vicinity where the images were taken.  The group has been able to rule out the fact that the image could be a seal, otter, whale or basking shark. 

Sceptics however argue that the images on Apple resemble a boat wake.


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